Note Template

You can select the template of your choice (SOAP, psychiatry, etc.) from the note template dropdown menu.

  1. Go to “Settings”

  2. Select the “Note” tab

  3. Click and scroll down the “Note template” menu

Multiple sections (”Assessment” & “Plan” merged) template

SOAP (”Assessment” & “Plan” merged) template

The templates available today :




Subjective - Objective - Assessment - Plan

SOAP ("Assessment" & "Plan" merged)

Subjective - Objective - Assessment & Plan

Multiple Sections

Chief complaint - History of present illness - Past medical history - Past surgical history - Past obstetric history - Family history - Social history - Allergies - Current medications - Vitals - Immunizations - Physical exam - Lab results - Imaging results - Assessment - Plan - Prescription - Appointments


Assessment & Plan - Subjective - Objective -


History of present illness - Chief complaint - Past medical history - Past surgical history - Past obstetric history - Family history - Social history - Allergies - Current medications - Vitals - Immunizations - Physical exam - Lab results - Imaging results - Assessment - Mental status exam - Plan - Prescription - Appointments


Chief complaint - History of present illness - Cardiovascular risk factors - Past medical history - Past surgical history - Past obstetric history - Family history - Social history - Allergies - Current medications - Vitals - Immunizations - Physical exam - Lab results - Imaging results - Assessment - Plan - Prescription - Appointments


Lifestyle - Medical, surgical, and family history - Reason for visit and goals - Vitals - Food habits, meals and drinks - Objectives for the next appointment and diet advices - Appointment


History of the present complaint - Chief complaint - Mental health history - Social history - Mental status exam - Assessment - Plan - Appointments


Chief complaint - History of present illness - Past medical history - Past surgical history - Past obstetric history - Family history - Social history - Allergies - Current medications - Vitals - Immunizations - Physical exam - Lab results - Imaging results - Assessment - Plan - Prescription - Appointments

Emergency Medicine (Multiple Sections)

Chief complaint - History of present illness - Past medical history - Past surgical history - Past obstetric history - Family history - Social history - Allergies - Current medications - Vitals - Immunizations - Physical exam - Lab results - Imaging results - Assessment - Plan - Prescription - Appointments

Emergency Medicine (SOAP)

Subjective - Objective - Assessment - Plan

Well Child Care (Multiple sections)

Chief complaint - History of present illness - Well Child Care -Past medical history - Past surgical history - Past obstetric history - Family history - Social history - Allergies - Current medications - Vitals - Immunizations - Physical exam - Lab results - Imaging results - Assessment - Plan - Prescription - Appointments

Well Child Care (SOAP)

Subjective - Objective - Assessment - Plan