


  • The microphone of your computer or phone should be enough

  • To ensure your microphone is working properly, there is a sound indicator on the "New encounter" screen, as well as in the Settings.


  • Don’t hesitate to play with templates at the beginning of your experience with Nabla to find the one that best suits you. To do that go to the note settings and change the template. You can do this before the encounter starts or after a note has already been generated, you’ll see a “refresh with new template” button

During the encounter

  • Verbalizing your encounter helps Nabla: during a physical exam, instead of saying “is it tender here?”, try instead “is your left shoulder tender here?”

After the encounter

  • If you think the note is really off and that some important details are missing, you can try to regenerate the note by clicking on the “regenerate note” button in the note tab, it often solves the issue. If not don’t hesitate to send us a feedback.